"Beeping and Bleeping” is a hip-hop track about my experience as a young teen playing arcade video games. The lyrics recall the iconic early 80s games, and the nostalgic vibe of the song naturally led to making a video.
Hope you enjoy!
Gen X-er living in a time machine, high on nostalgia. Flashbacks is the debut album by Peach on a beach, a tribute to growing up in Dartmouth, NS during the 80s. Available on streaming and CD. Check out YouTube videos for "Beeping and Bleeping", "Pizza Corner", "Before Call Display" and more. Releases in 2024 included the moody "Rabbit Hole", “Zooming In", a tribute to my lifelong passion for maps, and climate change anthem "Clock is Ticking". Official website: https://www.peachonabeach.ca/
"Beeping and Bleeping” is a hip-hop track about my experience as a young teen playing arcade video games. The lyrics recall the iconic early 80s games, and the nostalgic vibe of the song naturally led to making a video.
Hope you enjoy!
You Tube - Note: Not the official music video
Shout out to The Music Box Recording Studio in Clare for the fab mixin' 'n masterin'!
"Beeping and Bleeping” is a hip hop track about my
experience as a young teen playing arcade video games. The lyrics recall
the iconic early 80s games, and the nostalgic vibe of the song naturally led to
making a video, which will be launched on a later date.
"This song is all about how much fun we had growing up in a
simpler era and living in the moment." says Larry Peach. "I’m
excited to share it and see how it connects with people”.
The intended market is Gen Xers who spent countless hours playing arcade games in the 1980s, a demographic attracted to nostalgia and escapism. “I also hope the song will resonate with younger audiences who enjoy playing any video games or hip-hop music.”
And since Hurricane Fiona is crashing the party this weekend, I will delaying the launch of the music video. In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of the video. Hope you enjoy!