Gen X-er living in a time machine, high on nostalgia. Flashbacks is the debut album by Peach on a beach, a tribute to growing up in Dartmouth, NS during the 80s. Available on streaming and CD. Check out YouTube videos for "Beeping and Bleeping", "Pizza Corner", "Before Call Display" and more. Releases in 2024 included the moody "Rabbit Hole", “Zooming In", a tribute to my lifelong passion for maps, and climate change anthem "Clock is Ticking". Official website:
I invite you to listen to my third single "Before Call Display".
The song is inspired from an epic prank phone call session I orchestrated with my brother during our early teens circa 1984. One day after school while our mom was working, we called ~ 10 taxicabs, pizza shops, Chinese take-outs and a bottle exchange, then watched them all arrive across the street at the neighbour's house.
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Watch the official music video for "Before Call Display".
T’was a mega blast filming "Before Call Display". Huge shout-out to all the amazing actors to help make this memory from almost 40 years ago come alive!
Video created by Shawn Bourque, Greenlight Studios
Video directed by Larry Peach
Video filmed at my Mother-in-law's residence in Middle West Pubnico, NS (Merci, Betty D'Eon!) and Wissam's Pizza in Meteghan River (Clare)
Song recorded and produced by Paul Morris aka The Music Box in Clare
Lead vocals, music, and lyrics by Larry Peach
Additional vocals by Marshall, Owen and Amy Paradis
Additional sound effects:
Video actors:
Brothers Marshall and Owen as teen versions of Larry and younger brother Darren
Amy Paradis as Mom
Josh Purdy as pizza delivery guy
Travis Bullerwell as cab driver
Wissam and Nadine as pizza shop staff, thanks for the yummy pepperoni pizza prop
Larry Peach as old Mr. Sheeves, the neighbour.
Hope you enjoy!
Hailing from Dartmouth and based in Clare, Peach on a beach (Larry Peach) is an emerging singer-songwriter and synth player creating nostalgic vibes. Influenced by 80s new wave and hip hop, 90s dance and comedy rock, Peach on a beach is recording several singles prior to the release of his upcoming EP called Flashbacks.