- Axel F
- Blue Monday
- Head Over Heels
- Smalltown Boy
- Sunglasses At Night
- Take On Me
- West End Girls
Gen X-er living in a time machine, high on nostalgia. Flashbacks is the debut album by Peach on a beach, a tribute to growing up in Dartmouth, NS during the 80s. Available on streaming and CD. Check out YouTube videos for "Beeping and Bleeping", "Pizza Corner", "Before Call Display" and more. Releases in 2024 included the moody "Rabbit Hole", “Zooming In", a tribute to my lifelong passion for maps, and climate change anthem "Clock is Ticking". Official website: https://www.peachonabeach.ca/
Monday, November 1, 2021
Synth purchase

Tuesday, April 6, 2021
1/100 Video - "Save a Prayer" - Duran Duran (1982)
No one made videos like Duran.
With already a couple of catchy singles and epic videos under its belt, Duran Duran went on to top those with the sweeping ballad "Save a Prayer".
The dreamy synths immediately draw me in before the flute takes over.

Monday, April 5, 2021
2/100 Video - "White Wedding" - Billy Idol (1982)
Who cares what the lyrics mean, "White Wedding" is all about the delivery.

Sunday, April 4, 2021
3/100 Video - "Wrapped Around Your Finger" - The Police (1983)

Saturday, April 3, 2021
4/100 Video - "Pale Shelter" - Tears For Fears (1982)

Friday, April 2, 2021
5/100 Video - "The Perfect Kiss" - New Order (1985)

Thursday, April 1, 2021
6/100 Video - "Around the World" - Daft Punk (1997)
I sometimes struggle with remembering lyrics, even to my favourite songs.
But I always remember the melody, the rhythm and the beat.
I guess you could say I prefer action over words.
In this video, it's all about movement representing the individual parts of the music.
The video "Around the World" by Daft Punk takes creativity to another dimension.
The choreography of each group of dancers matches a different instrument in the mix.
Bass Guitar - Tall Grey Men
Drums - Mummies
Synth - Swimsuit Girls
Second Guitar - Skeletons
Vocals - Robots
And the characters walking around in circles are represented by parts of the music not being played.
Cinematic genius.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
7/100 Video - "Bittersweet Symphony” – The Verve (1997)
The vocalist/pedestrian is in his own world as the video continuously shows he is unfazed by the world around him.
The video is also a commentary on life in general, how you can't let others derail you from accomplishing your goals, because many will try.
It could also be a metaphor for how many people are unaware of how their actions affect others.
Several times he knocks people over and doesn't miss a step or stop, showing how many people will willingly step all over someone to get what they want.
The concept was inspired by the video for Massive Attack's 1991 song "Unfinished Sympathy," which was showed the singer walking down a street in a similar manner.
And the video has never been more relevant: we need to continue moving forward, no matter what obstacles or challenges are in our way.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
8/100 Video - "Angel" – Massive Attack (1998)
"Angel" by Massive Attack is one crackerjack track.
Starting with an ominous percussion, the song builds progressively as more instruments and layers are added. During the long bridge, a menacing guitar solo grinds away as the industrial beats rage onwards.
The epic chase video is incredible, as the band members follow Daddy G in a car lot until the latter half when half of Bristol shows up for a grand chase scene in slow motion.
Rob Robinson737 provides the best explanation for the video in the YouTube comments, a metaphor for facing one's fears:
"The video is about running away from your fears, the longer you run away from them the greater they become until you reach to a point from where you can no longer run as if there is no land left for you to run on and there it is your greatest fears stood there right in front of you, and then you realize that these fears are just an illusion and that you confront them head on and then they are frighten of you at the moment you start chasing them."

Monday, March 29, 2021
9/100 Video - "Smooth Criminal" - Michael Jackson (1988)
Jackson flies through the verses with such speed the lyrics can be challenging to discern in places.
The energetic chorus, the brilliant bass line and the attention to detail in both song and video all add up to one epic work of pop art.
The only remaining question: is Annie still ok?

Sunday, March 28, 2021
10/100 Video - "White & Nerdy" - Weird Al Yankovic (2006)
I enjoyed Weird Al's work in the 80s (especially "Eat It"), but "White & Nerdy" is by far my favourite.
"White & Nerdy" by Weird Al Yankovic is a parody of Chamillionaire's "Ridin", a gangsta rap song.
The song pokes fun at the white guys who want to be black and gangster, even though they are actually geeks and nerds.
The video is bloody brilliant.
For me, the funniest part of this parody and video is that Weird Al is actually a pretty good rapper. Although his subject material comprises ridiculous things, his delivery is quite serious.
There are several high-profile cameos in the video:
- The first pair of gangsters in the video are comedians Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele.
- Seth Green, in the action figures bit.
- Donny Osmond dancing in the background, and behind Weird Al.
For cool trivia about the video, visit this webpage.

Saturday, March 27, 2021
11/100 Video - "Everything You Do Is A Balloon" – Boards of Canada (1996)
The two brothers that make up this enigmatic group have said the name for "Boards of Canada" originates from educational videos made by the Canadian National Film Board in the 1960s and 70s. We Gen-X-ers will recall these films were once shown to us on a real projector in the elementary school AV room.
These short films tend to feature a lot of analog synth sounds, another core foundation of the BOC sound.
Although there are no lyrics for "Everything You Do Is A Balloon", the ambiguous title itself makes you think of endless interpretations.
The video makes me think of my carefree childhood, despite the ominous fates of most of the kids riding bicycles in a nameless suburb of Middle America.
The clip fits so perfectly with the epic progressive of the synths and percussion.
And the retro animation is super haunting and nostalgic. Like a twisted, after-hours episode of Sesame Street.
I was blown away to learn that the video was not originally made by the artist, but rather sampled from a 1963 bicycle safety movie called "One Got Fat".

Friday, March 26, 2021
12/100 Video - "Rio" - Duran Duran (1982)
Back to Rio: does she really exist?
Well, yes...as a metaphor.
According to SongFacts, Duran Duran explained on the VH1 show True Spin that Rio is a metaphor for America, and the song expressed their desire to succeed there, which they of course did.
I'd always thought LeBon said "...evidently run you down... in the lyrics during the bridge : "Hey now (wow) look at that did he nearly run you down. Before Google we experienced dozens of similar examples.
"Rio" is still a favourite at Duran concerts, and often during an extended version when Simon LeBon introduces band members to the audience. I was fortunate to have seen it played in the encore of their 2011 gig at Montreal's Bell Centre.

Thursday, March 25, 2021
13/100 Video - "West End Girls" - Pet Shop Boys (1986)
- Waterloo Station
- a No 42 red double-decker bus to Aldgate
- Tower Bridge
- Westminster Palace Clock Tower
- the South Bank
- Leicester Square

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
14/100 Video - "Thriller" - Michael Jackson (1984)
Best way to handle a zombie apocalypse?
Guns: Nope. Nuclear bombs: Naw. Dancing: YES!
"Thriller" by Michael Jackson doesn't really need any introduction. I realize this video should be higher on the list but I'm suffering from a bit of zombie fatigue.
The storyline. The twist. Then the dancing. And the choreography.
A clip that was equally frightening as exciting for those of us who were kids when this came out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021
15/100 Video - "Personal Jesus" - Depeche Mode (1989)
Think back to the early 80s for minute. Hands up if you thought back these guys would be making videos sporting cowboy hats and playing guitars at the end of the decade?

Monday, March 22, 2021
16/100 Video - "Material Girl" - Madonna (1984)
The classic video branded Madonna with a her "Material Girl" nickname, a track that is so quintessential 80s.

Sunday, March 21, 2021
17/100 Video - "Take On Me" - a-ha (1985)
The video for a-ha's "Take On Me" used a pencil-sketch animation / live-action combination known as rotoscoping, in which the live-action footage is traced over frame by frame to give the characters realistic movements.
Approximately 3,000 frames were rotoscoped, which took 16 weeks to complete. The video cost $150,000 USD, which was significant at the time in 1985.
Actress Bunty Bailey, who played singer Morten Harket's love interest, went on to star in the band's follow-up video, “The Sun Always Shines on T.V.,” and had a real-life romance with Harket.
The iconic music video for “Take On Me” has reached one billion views on YouTube, a feat very few artists have accomplished.

Saturday, March 20, 2021
18/100 Video - "Hungry Like the Wolf" - Duran Duran (1982)
The iconic video for "Hungry Like the Wolf" came out in junior high, wooing North American teenage girls and boys alike with its exotic adventures and irresistible new wave sound.
I howl and I whine... about why these guys don't get the credit they deserve.

Friday, March 19, 2021
19/100 Video - "Rockit" - Herbie Hancock (1984)

Thursday, March 18, 2021
20/100 Video - "Two Tribes" - Frankie Goes To Hollywood (1984)
"Two Tribes" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood is a hi-energy dance club track with an amazing bass line that peaked at #1 on the UK charts in 1984.
The video showcases a wrestling match between US President at the time, Ronald Reagan, and then-Soviet leader Konstantin Chernenko in front of an audience of representatives from the world's nations.
This clever metaphor for the Cold War degenerates into complete global destruction. Almost forty years later, the shocking ending of the earth exploding is still chilling to see.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
21/100 Video - "Lost in Yesterday" - Tame Impala (2020)
Fave lyrics: “so if they call you embrace them, if they hold you erase them.”

Tuesday, March 16, 2021
22/100 Video - "Blinding Lights" - The Weeknd (2019)

Monday, March 15, 2021
23/100 Video - "Midnight City" - M83 (2011)

Sunday, March 14, 2021
24/100 Video - "Allies" - Blue States (2007)
"Allies" by Blue States is a downtempo track with a mesmerizing melody.
I happened to stumble upon the video while checking out some of the band's material beyond their Nothing Changes Under The Sun album.
What a great discovery!
The video starts by showing four videos of the same man waking up and leaving his apartment for a day at the office.
After a few seconds pass, four different scenarios unfold leading to hilarious and/or catastrophic results.
The first scenario ends abruptly, with the man getting hit by a bus, then shown dead in the hospital.
The second scenario shows the man being kidnapped and left in the wild, naked in the woods, and sleeping on the ground.
The third scenario sees the guy get fired, but then ends up meeting a girl by walking into her while rounding a corner.
The fourth scenario shows the man following his mundane schedule from dawn to dusk. No, he didn't get killed, but nothing extraordinary happened to him either.
The message: a reminder that on some days we have little control over our lives.

Saturday, March 13, 2021
25/100 Video - "Virtual Insanity" - Jamiroquai (1996)
The optical illusions in the eye-catching video for "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai were not made using computers.
You will see in several shots, chairs or couches are fixed to the walls so that they appear to be standing still, when in fact they are moving.
Video director Jonathan Glazer describes how the walls move on a stationary grey floor with no detail, to give the illusion that objects on the floor are moving.
Singer-dancer Jason Kay confesses to having become ”a bit dizzy” during the carefully choreographed shoot.

Friday, March 12, 2021
26/100 Video - "You Spin Me Round" - Dead Or Alive (1985)
And what a track! From the opening beats, "You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive is a relentless assault on the senses. The dance inferno didn't sound like anything else charting in the spring of '85.

Thursday, March 11, 2021
27/100 Video - "Wicked Game" - Chris Izaak (1989)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
28/100 Video - "Sabotage" - The Beastie Boys (1994)
The video is worthy of the overused 'epic' descriptor.
More of movie trailer of a long lost cop show from the 70s, the video reels you with its colourful characters, non-stop action and chase scenes.
Like many viewers, Beavis and Butt-Head were also confused by the whole thing:
"This is gonna be cool when this video finally comes out," Beavis says.
The slightly smarter Butt-Head tries to correct him: "This is the real video, dumb-ass."